




Wednesday 19 June 2013

Why won't Pinterest load?

Sometimes, when trying to visit Pinterest, you may find that it hangs, lags, doesn't display all images or simply won't let you access the site at all.

There are two common reasons for this:
1. Issues with your computer.
2. Issues with the Pinterest servers.

In case of computer issues you can try the following steps to correct the issue:
  • A hard refresh using CTRL+F5
  • Clear the cookies and cache on your browser
  • Try a different browser (we recommend Chrome or Firefox.)
In case of issues with the Pinterest servers, and in the event of the above solutions not working, you may simply have to wait until the problem corrects itself.

A good way to tell whether it's a sitewide server issue is by looking on Twitter or Facebook at updates using the #Pinterest hashtag. If there are issues, people, pages and sites will be messaging about it. 

On Pinterest what does repins from mean?

On your personal Pinterest profile (found by clicking your username and then "Your Boards") you may see a list of three account names and avatars with the words "Repins From".

What do these mean exactly?

These are simply a chronological roll of the last 3 people whose pins you pinned from their boards to your own.

For instance if you pinned three pins, one each from Peter, Paul and Mary, each will show up in the list.

If you then pin an image from Sarah, the list will refresh to show Sarah, Paul and Mary.

Does LinkedIn Have a Chat Feature?

Put simply no!

LinkedIn does not offer its members a chat-facility or instant messaging.

Is there a need for a dedicated chat room? Probably not as without moderators it could potentially get out of hand very quickly and be a haven for trolls.

The best alternative on LinkedIn itself is to utilize groups.  LinkedIn groups allow for discussions and also provide many benefits for you and your business.

If you need to contact another member, remember you can always send private message once you have connected.